Issue type
Ive never installed docker or used in away prior. I installed docker desktop tonight to tryout (compare to VirtualBox) Shows Many images in the image tab (desktop app windows) Shows security warnings from docker scout. Im not even signed in to docker.
OS Version/build
|Edition|Windows 11 Pro|
|OS build|26100.2605|
App version
Docker Desktop 4.37.1 (Windows)
Steps to reproduce
Download Docker Desktop
Run Installer
Open Docker Desktop
Skip login in app
enable Kubernetes in settings (Shows large size and CPU usage)
It is not clear what your question or issue is. You shared screenshots of Docker Desktop and mention “large size” and “cpu” but you don’t really describe what you mean. What is large, what is the problem with the CPU, what is about “many images”. Everything seems to be normal. Even security warnings are normal unless there are a lot, but it is not the case.
Normally I would change the title of the topic, but I don’t even know what I would change it to until I understand the actual issue here.