Docker Desktop stuck on "updating"?

I have a fairly new installation of Docker for Mac. (About a week old.) It is now stuck in this state. Whenever I start the app, it just shows “updating…” for hours, and doesn’t do anything else. The About window does not show any info.

I previously managed to get some containers running, but now can’t do anything with the app.

I wonder if this is a bug and I should report it, or am I doing something wrong myself? Host OS is Catalina 10.15.3.

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Also reported to GitHub.

im having the same issue

I was having the same problem after a reboot. In my case, docker was running but only the Docker Desktop UI was stuck perpetually saying “updating…” (until after many minutes turned into a blank white window)

The solution was to close open containers using the command line.

At the command line, type: docker ps

And if there’s a list of running containers there, start closing some one by one until you close all or you can successfully open Docker Desktop again. I also restarted Docker during the process.


It was very useful, thanks!

I was stuck on that, too (I couldn’t upgrade from version 4.4.2 to 4.6.1)
I was trying to upgrade after deleting containers, but no success. I had to download new docker from page (version for mac), close Docker, run package (install by moving to Applications) and I have chosen to replace old Docker Desktop with the new one.
This helped me.