Docker for mac won't start

Expected behavior

run docker for mac, docker for mac is usable

Actual behavior

little icon shows activity, says “docker is starting” constantly


May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : Application version: 1.11.1-beta12 (7528)
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : OSX Version: Version 10.11.5 (Build 15F34)
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : migrator: start migration process
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : migrator: previous install detected
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : migrator: previous version is 1.11.1-beta12
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : migrator: no migration needed, you are good to go!
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : migrator: end of migration process
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : event tracker initialized
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : Limited access: checking…
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : Bundle path: /Applications/
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4262] : Client reports version 1, commit 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4262] : EOF reading packet from Unix domain socket: closing
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : com.docker.docker commit: 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc wants version 15
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : com.docker.vmnetd commit: 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc has version 15
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : probe of /var/tmp/com.docker.vmnetd.socket successful: not reinstalling component
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4262] : Failed to read command from client
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : Client reports version 1, commit 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : client with uid 484504564 requests com.docker.vmnetd install symlinks
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : File /usr/local/bin/docker is a symlink
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : File /usr/local/bin/docker-compose is a symlink
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : File /usr/local/bin/notary is a symlink
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : File /usr/local/bin/pinata is a symlink
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : File /usr/local/bin/docker-machine is a symlink
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4263] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : Symlinks are valid.
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4236] : com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux launched with PID 4265
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4265] : Acquired task manager lock
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4265] : Starting com.docker.db, com.docker.osxfs, com.docker.slirp, com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux, com.docker.driver.amd64-linux
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4265] : Start com.docker.db (pid 4267)
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4265] : Start com.docker.osxfs (pid 4268)
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4265] : Start com.docker.slirp (pid 4269)
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4265] : Start com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux (pid 4270)
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4265] : Start com.docker.driver.amd64-linux (pid 4271)
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : Logging to Apple System Log
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : Setting handler to ignore all SIGPIPE signals
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : starting port_forwarding port_control_path:fd:4 vsock_path:/Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/@connect
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : attempting to reconnect to database on unix /Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4268] : Logging to Apple System Log
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4270] : API server starting
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4270] : :four_leaf_clover: socket path is: /Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s20
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4270] : > socket removed.
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : reconnected transport layer
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : allowing binds to any IP addresses
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4270] : VM has shutdown at 2016-05-19 06:24:39 -0700 PDT
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : Creating slirp server pcap_settings:disabled peer_ip: local_ip:
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : Acquired hypervisor lock
May 19 06:24:48 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : hypervisor: native
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : filesystem: osxfs
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4268] : Using protocol TwoThousand msize 16384
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : Hypervisor: native; BootProtocol: direct; UefiBootDisk: /Users/jjolet/UefiBoot.qcow2
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : Launching: /Applications/ -A -m 2G -c 2 -u -s 0:0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc -s 2:0,virtio-ipc,uuid=92b784e5-78dc-40ac-9c5d-68f345e0c140,path=/Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s50,macfile=/Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/mac.0 -s 3,virtio-blk,file:///Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2,format=qcow -s 4,virtio-9p,path=/Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40,tag=db -s 5,virtio-rnd -s 6,virtio-9p,path=/Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s51,tag=port -s 7,virtio-sock,guest_cid=3,path=/Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data,guest_forwards=2376;1525 -l com1,autopty=/Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty,log=/Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/console-ring -f kexec,/Applications/,/Applications/,earlyprintk=serial console=ttyS0 com.docker.driverDir=“/Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux”, com.docker.database=“com.docker.driver.amd64-linux” -F /Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4274] : Starting xhyve
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : May 19 06:24:49 Docker[4274] : Starting xhyve
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : PPP.negotiate: received ((magic VMN3T)(version 15)(commit 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc))
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : PPP.negotiate: received (Ethernet 92b784e5-78dc-40ac-9c5d-68f345e0c140)
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : PPP.negotiate: sending ((mtu 1500)(max_packet_size 1550)(client_macaddr c0:ff:ee:c0:ff:ee))
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : mirage_block_open file:///Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2 buffered = true
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : PPP.listen: called a second time: doing nothing
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : mirage_block_open returning 0
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : mirage_block_stat
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : TCP/IP ready
May 19 06:24:49 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : vsock init 7:0 = /Users/jjolet/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data, guest_cid = 3
May 19 06:24:51 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] :
rdmsr to register 0x34 on vcpu 0
May 19 06:24:51 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
— last message repeated 5 times —
May 19 06:24:53 oakm081425252 Docker[4268] : transfused: mount
May 19 06:24:53 oakm081425252 Docker[4268] : transfused: /bin/fusermount
May 19 06:24:53 oakm081425252 Docker[4268] : transfused: -o
May 19 06:24:53 oakm081425252 Docker[4268] : transfused: allow_other,max_read=1048576,subtype=osxfs
May 19 06:24:53 oakm081425252 Docker[4268] : transfused: /Mac
May 19 06:24:53 oakm081425252 Docker[4268] : osxfs tracing: OFF
May 19 06:24:53 oakm081425252 Docker[4268] : transfused:
May 19 06:24:53 oakm081425252 Docker[4269] : Using protocol TwoThousand msize 8192
May 19 06:24:55 oakm081425252 Docker[4271] : Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
— last message repeated 47 times —

  • the output of:
    • pinata diagnose -u on OSX
      pinata diagnose -u
      OS X: version 10.11.5 (build: 15F34) version v1.11.1-beta12
      Running diagnostic tests:
      [OK] Moby booted
      [OK] driver.amd64-linux
      [OK] vmnetd
      [OK] osxfs
      [OK] db
      [OK] slirp
      [OK] menubar
      [OK] environment
      [OK] Docker
      [OK] VT-x
      Docker logs are being collected into /tmp/20160519-063457.tar.gz
      Most specific failure is: No error was detected
      Your unique id is: 1CB7BF7C-7FAC-4CA0-A8B6-D363E6F8CFEC
      Please quote this in all correspondence.
    • DockerDebugInfo.ps1 using Powershell on Windows
  • a reproducible case if this is a bug, Dockerfiles FTW
  • page URL if this is a docs issue or the name of a man page
  • host distribution and version ( OSX 10.10.x, OSX 10.11.x, Windows, etc )
    osx 10.11.5

volume encryption has been enabled

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. run docker
  2. observe fail
1 Like

I am seeing the same behavior with nearly identical log output. Any suggestions?

Same issue, note that I’m still running Yosemite, not El Capitan. Output below:

Syslog output

May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : Application version: 1.11.1-beta12 (7528)
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : OSX Version: Version 10.10.5 (Build 14F1808)
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : migrator: start migration process
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : migrator: previous install detected
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : migrator: previous version is 1.11.1-beta12
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : migrator: no migration needed, you are good to go!
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : migrator: end of migration process
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : event tracker initialized
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : Limited access: checking…
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : Bundle path: /Applications/
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1825] : Client reports version 1, commit 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1825] : EOF reading packet from Unix domain socket: closing
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1825] : Failed to read command from client
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : com.docker.docker commit: 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc wants version 15
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : com.docker.vmnetd commit: 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc has version 15
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : probe of /var/tmp/com.docker.vmnetd.socket successful: not reinstalling component
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : Client reports version 1, commit 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : client with uid 501 requests com.docker.vmnetd install symlinks
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : File /usr/local/bin/docker is a symlink
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : File /usr/local/bin/docker-compose is a symlink
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : File /usr/local/bin/notary is a symlink
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : File /usr/local/bin/pinata is a symlink
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : File /usr/local/bin/docker-machine is a symlink
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1826] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : Symlinks are valid.
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1815] : com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux launched with PID 1828
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1828] : Acquired task manager lock
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1828] : Starting com.docker.db, com.docker.osxfs, com.docker.slirp, com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux, com.docker.driver.amd64-linux
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1828] : Start com.docker.db (pid 1830)
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1828] : Start com.docker.osxfs (pid 1831)
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1828] : Start com.docker.slirp (pid 1832)
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1828] : Start com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux (pid 1833)
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : Logging to Apple System Log
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1831] : Logging to Apple System Log
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : Setting handler to ignore all SIGPIPE signals
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : starting port_forwarding port_control_path:fd:4 vsock_path:/Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/@connect
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : attempting to reconnect to database on unix /Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1828] : Start com.docker.driver.amd64-linux (pid 1834)
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : reconnected transport layer
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : allowing binds to any IP addresses
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : Creating slirp server pcap_settings:disabled peer_ip: local_ip:
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1833] : API server starting
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1833] : :four_leaf_clover: socket path is: /Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s20
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1833] : > socket removed.
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1833] : VM has shutdown at 2016-05-19 09:03:55 -0700 PDT
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : Acquired hypervisor lock
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : hypervisor: native
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : filesystem: osxfs
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1831] : Using protocol TwoThousand msize 16384
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : Hypervisor: native; BootProtocol: direct; UefiBootDisk: /Users/casey/UefiBoot.qcow2
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : Launching: /Applications/ -A -m 2G -c 2 -u -s 0:0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc -s 2:0,virtio-ipc,uuid=6e56b6f6-e8a7-4675-b664-2b130c5bd936,path=/Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s50,macfile=/Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/mac.0 -s 3,virtio-blk,file:///Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2,format=qcow -s 4,virtio-9p,path=/Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40,tag=db -s 5,virtio-rnd -s 6,virtio-9p,path=/Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s51,tag=port -s 7,virtio-sock,guest_cid=3,path=/Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data,guest_forwards=2376;1525 -l com1,autopty=/Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty,log=/Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/console-ring -f kexec,/Applications/,/Applications/,earlyprintk=serial console=ttyS0 com.docker.driverDir="/Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux", com.docker.database=“com.docker.driver.amd64-linux” -F /Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1837] : Starting xhyve
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1837] : Starting xhyve
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : PPP.negotiate: received ((magic VMN3T)(version 15)(commit 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc))
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : PPP.negotiate: received (Ethernet 6e56b6f6-e8a7-4675-b664-2b130c5bd936)
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : PPP.negotiate: sending ((mtu 1500)(max_packet_size 1550)(client_macaddr c0:ff:ee:c0:ff:ee))
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : mirage_block_open file:///Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2 buffered = true
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : PPP.listen: called a second time: doing nothing
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : TCP/IP ready
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : mirage_block_open returning 0
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : mirage_block_stat
May 19 09:03:58 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : vsock init 7:0 = /Users/casey/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data, guest_cid = 3
May 19 09:04:00 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] :
rdmsr to register 0x34 on vcpu 0
May 19 09:04:00 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
— last message repeated 4 times —
May 19 09:04:02 marmaduke.local Docker[1831] : transfused: mount
May 19 09:04:02 marmaduke.local Docker[1831] : transfused: /bin/fusermount
May 19 09:04:02 marmaduke.local Docker[1831] : transfused: -o
May 19 09:04:02 marmaduke.local Docker[1831] : transfused: allow_other,max_read=1048576,subtype=osxfs
May 19 09:04:02 marmaduke.local Docker[1831] : transfused: /Mac
May 19 09:04:02 marmaduke.local Docker[1831] : transfused:
May 19 09:04:02 marmaduke.local Docker[1831] : osxfs tracing: OFF
May 19 09:04:02 marmaduke.local Docker[1832] : Using protocol TwoThousand msize 8192
May 19 09:04:03 marmaduke.local Docker[1834] : Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s

Pinata output

marmaduke ~% pinata diagnose -u
OS X: version 10.10.5 (build: 14F1808) version v1.11.1-beta12
Running diagnostic tests:
[OK] Moby booted
[OK] driver.amd64-linux
[OK] vmnetd
[OK] osxfs
[OK] db
[OK] slirp
[OK] menubar
[OK] environment
[OK] Docker
[OK] VT-x
Docker logs are being collected into /tmp/20160519-090023.tar.gz
Most specific failure is: No error was detected
Your unique id is: ECCC187B-9317-4B2F-91BC-E891294B8857
Please quote this in all correspondence.

Same thing here with OSX 10.10.5 (14F1713).

I had a Docker process hanging so I did a Force Quit, removed the app from the Applications folder and reinstalled again. Not it works, only thing, the first time around, the icon in the top bar disappeared almost instantly. The second time around it stayed there as expected.

I’m not sure if this is the same issue, but when trying docker OSX beta for the first time, my whole OS crashed and restarted.

OSX version: 10.11.4
VirtualBox version: 5.0.20 r106931

Same here not starting

Expected behavior
run docker for mac, docker for mac is usable

Actual behavior
little icon shows activity, says “docker is starting” constantly

Syslog output
20/05/2016 11:20:43,116 Docker[13435]: Application version: 1.11.1-beta12 (7528)
20/05/2016 11:20:43,133 Docker[13435]: OSX Version: Version 10.11.3 (Build 15D21)
20/05/2016 11:20:43,263 Docker[13435]: migrator: start migration process
20/05/2016 11:20:43,266 Docker[13435]: migrator: no previous version detected. Performing all migrations for now…
20/05/2016 11:20:43,266 Docker[13435]: migrator: 8 migrations to perform
20/05/2016 11:20:43,266 Docker[13435]: migrator: migrating for version 1.10.3-beta5 …
20/05/2016 11:20:43,268 Docker[13435]: migrator: migration succeeded for version 1.10.3-beta5
20/05/2016 11:20:43,268 Docker[13435]: migrator: migrating for version 1.11.0-beta6 …
20/05/2016 11:20:43,269 Docker[13435]: migrator: migration succeeded for version 1.11.0-beta6
20/05/2016 11:20:43,269 Docker[13435]: migrator: migrating for version 1.11.0-beta7 …
20/05/2016 11:20:43,269 Docker[13435]: migrator: migration succeeded for version 1.11.0-beta7
20/05/2016 11:20:43,269 Docker[13435]: migrator: migrating for version 1.11.0-beta8 …
20/05/2016 11:20:43,270 Docker[13435]: migrator: migration succeeded for version 1.11.0-beta8
20/05/2016 11:20:43,270 Docker[13435]: migrator: migrating for version 1.11.0-beta9 …
20/05/2016 11:20:43,270 Docker[13435]: migrator: migration succeeded for version 1.11.0-beta9
20/05/2016 11:20:43,270 Docker[13435]: migrator: migrating for version 1.11.1-beta10 …
20/05/2016 11:20:43,270 Docker[13435]: migrator: migration succeeded for version 1.11.1-beta10
20/05/2016 11:20:43,271 Docker[13435]: migrator: migrating for version 1.11.1-beta11 …
20/05/2016 11:20:43,271 Docker[13435]: migrator: migration succeeded for version 1.11.1-beta11
20/05/2016 11:20:43,271 Docker[13435]: migrator: migrating for version 1.11.1-beta12 …
20/05/2016 11:20:43,271 Docker[13435]: migrator: migration succeeded for version 1.11.1-beta12
20/05/2016 11:20:43,271 Docker[13435]: migrator: end of migration process
20/05/2016 11:20:43,307 Docker[13435]: event tracker initialized
20/05/2016 11:20:43,310 Docker[13435]: Limited access: checking…
20/05/2016 11:20:43,389 Docker[13435]: Limited access: wrong certificate. Asking user for token
20/05/2016 11:20:48,608 Docker[13435]: text changed
20/05/2016 11:20:49,201 Docker[13435]: Entered token: TOKEN
20/05/2016 11:20:52,433 Docker[13435]: Bundle path: /Applications/
20/05/2016 11:21:08,968 Docker[13435]: privileged installation of com.docker.vmnetd successful
20/05/2016 11:21:09,003 Docker[13450]: com.docker.vmnetd starting
20/05/2016 11:21:09,003 Docker[13451]: EOF reading packet from Unix domain socket: closing
20/05/2016 11:21:09,004 Docker[13451]: Failed to read hello from client
20/05/2016 11:21:09,004 Docker[13452]: Client reports version 1, commit 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc
20/05/2016 11:21:09,004 Docker[13452]: client with uid 501 requests com.docker.vmnetd install symlinks
20/05/2016 11:21:09,006 Docker[13452]: File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
20/05/2016 11:21:09,006 Docker[13452]: File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
20/05/2016 11:21:09,006 Docker[13452]: File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
20/05/2016 11:21:09,007 Docker[13452]: File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
20/05/2016 11:21:09,007 Docker[13435]: Symlinks are not correctly installed.
20/05/2016 11:21:09,023 Docker[13435]: com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux launched with PID 13454
20/05/2016 11:21:09,137 Docker[13454]: Acquired task manager lock
20/05/2016 11:21:09,150 Docker[13454]: Starting com.docker.db, com.docker.osxfs, com.docker.slirp, com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux, com.docker.driver.amd64-linux
20/05/2016 11:21:09,157 Docker[13454]: Start com.docker.db (pid 13456)
20/05/2016 11:21:09,163 Docker[13454]: Start com.docker.osxfs (pid 13457)
20/05/2016 11:21:09,170 Docker[13454]: Start com.docker.slirp (pid 13458)
20/05/2016 11:21:09,173 Docker[13454]: Start com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux (pid 13459)
20/05/2016 11:21:09,180 Docker[13454]: Start com.docker.driver.amd64-linux (pid 13460)
20/05/2016 11:21:09,182 Docker[13459]: API server starting
20/05/2016 11:21:09,184 Docker[13459]: :four_leaf_clover: socket path is: /Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s20
20/05/2016 11:21:09,189 Docker[13459]: Failed to connect to db: &net.OpError{Op:“dial”, Net:“unix”, Source:net.Addr(nil), Addr:(*net.UnixAddr)(0xc8200ce360), Err:(*os.SyscallError)(0xc8200ce3a0)}
20/05/2016 11:21:09,265 Docker[13457]: Logging to Apple System Log
20/05/2016 11:21:09,267 Docker[13458]: Logging to Apple System Log
20/05/2016 11:21:09,267 Docker[13458]: Setting handler to ignore all SIGPIPE signals
20/05/2016 11:21:09,267 Docker[13458]: starting port_forwarding port_control_path:fd:4 vsock_path:/Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/@connect
20/05/2016 11:21:09,267 Docker[13458]: attempting to reconnect to database on unix /Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40
20/05/2016 11:21:09,268 Docker[13458]: reconnected transport layer
20/05/2016 11:21:09,268 Docker[13458]: allowing binds to any IP addresses
20/05/2016 11:21:09,269 Docker[13458]: Creating slirp server pcap_settings:disabled peer_ip: local_ip:
20/05/2016 11:21:09,290 Docker[13460]: Acquired hypervisor lock
20/05/2016 11:21:09,292 Docker[13459]: Failed to watch the %s/state/ directory in the database: %#vcom.docker.driver.amd64-linux9p: No such file or directory
20/05/2016 11:21:09,298 Docker[13460]: Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
20/05/2016 11:21:09,346 Docker[13460]: hypervisor: native
20/05/2016 11:21:09,346 Docker[13460]: filesystem: osxfs
20/05/2016 11:21:09,347 Docker[13457]: Using protocol TwoThousand msize 16384
20/05/2016 11:21:09,347 Docker[13460]: Hypervisor: native; BootProtocol: direct; UefiBootDisk: /Users/alexisgahon/UefiBoot.qcow2
20/05/2016 11:21:09,348 Docker[13460]: Launching: /Applications/ -A -m 2G -c 2 -u -s 0:0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc -s 2:0,virtio-ipc,uuid=397c8db6-c614-4bb5-87ac-68745172fdbd,path=/Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s50,macfile=/Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/mac.0 -s 3,virtio-blk,file:///Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2,format=qcow -s 4,virtio-9p,path=/Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40,tag=db -s 5,virtio-rnd -s 6,virtio-9p,path=/Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s51,tag=port -s 7,virtio-sock,guest_cid=3,path=/Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data,guest_forwards=2376;1525 -l com1,autopty=/Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty,log=/Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/console-ring -f kexec,/Applications/,/Applications/,earlyprintk=serial console=ttyS0 com.docker.driverDir="/Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux", com.docker.database=“com.docker.driver.amd64-linux” -F /Users/alexisgahon/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/
20/05/2016 11:21:09,372 Docker[13460]: vmx_init: processor not supported by Hypervisor.framework
20/05/2016 11:21:09,372 Docker[13460]: Unable to create VM (-85377018)
20/05/2016 11:21:09,382 Docker[13454]: Reap com.docker.driver.amd64-linux (pid 13460): exit status 0
20/05/2016 11:21:10,295 Docker[13459]: Failed to read the last-start-time key: &strconv.NumError{Func:“ParseInt”, Num:"", Err:(*errors.errorString)(0xc82000a150)}
20/05/2016 11:21:10,296 Docker[13459]: VM has shutdown at 2016-05-20 11:21:09 +0200 CEST
20/05/2016 11:21:10,387 Docker[13454]: Stop 1 children with order 1: com.docker.driver.amd64-linux (pid 13460)

Steps to reproduce the behavior
Just install docker
Observe fail

Similar issue here. It starts but then is unresponsive.

Expected behavior

run docker for mac, docker for mac is usable

Actual behavior

Even though, according to the log and the application docker is running, docker is unusable.

For example docker ps hangs for some time and then output

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?

Syslog Output

May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : Application version: 1.11.1-beta12 (7528)
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : OSX Version: Version 10.11.5 (Build 15F34)
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : migrator: start migration process
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : migrator: previous install detected
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : migrator: previous version is 1.11.1-beta12
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : migrator: no migration needed, you are good to go!
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : migrator: end of migration process
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : event tracker initialized
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : Limited access: checking…
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : Bundle path: /Applications/
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41975] : Client reports version 1, commit 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41975] : EOF reading packet from Unix domain socket: closing
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : com.docker.docker commit: 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc wants version 15
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : com.docker.vmnetd commit: 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc has version 15
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41975] : Failed to read command from client
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : probe of /var/tmp/com.docker.vmnetd.socket successful: not reinstalling component
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : Client reports version 1, commit 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : client with uid 501 requests com.docker.vmnetd install symlinks
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : File /usr/local/bin/docker is a symlink
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : File /usr/local/bin/docker-compose is a symlink
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : File /usr/local/bin/notary is a symlink
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : File /usr/local/bin/pinata is a symlink
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : File /usr/local/bin/docker-machine is a symlink
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41976] : File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : Symlinks are valid.
May 21 12:34:18 MarciBook Docker[41958] : com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux launched with PID 41978
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41978] : Acquired task manager lock
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41978] : Starting com.docker.db, com.docker.osxfs, com.docker.slirp, com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux, com.docker.driver.amd64-linux
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41978] : Start com.docker.db (pid 41980)
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41978] : Start com.docker.osxfs (pid 41981)
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41978] : Start com.docker.slirp (pid 41982)
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41978] : Start com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux (pid 41983)
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41983] : API server starting
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41978] : Start com.docker.driver.amd64-linux (pid 41984)
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41983] : :four_leaf_clover: socket path is: /Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s20
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41983] : > socket removed.
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41983] : Failed to connect to db: &net.OpError{Op:“dial”, Net:“unix”, Source:net.Addr(nil), Addr:(*net.UnixAddr)(0xc8200da460), Err:(*os.SyscallError)(0xc8200da4a0)}
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41983] : Failed to connect to db: &net.OpError{Op:“dial”, Net:“unix”, Source:net.Addr(nil), Addr:(*net.UnixAddr)(0xc82010c020), Err:(*os.SyscallError)(0xc82010c060)}
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41981] : Logging to Apple System Log
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : Logging to Apple System Log
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : Setting handler to ignore all SIGPIPE signals
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : starting port_forwarding port_control_path:fd:4 vsock_path:/Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/@connect
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : attempting to reconnect to database on unix /Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : reconnected transport layer
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : allowing binds to any IP addresses
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : Creating slirp server pcap_settings:disabled peer_ip: local_ip:
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41984] : Acquired hypervisor lock
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41983] : VM has shutdown at 2016-05-21 12:33:22 +0100 BST
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41984] : Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41984] : hypervisor: native
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41984] : filesystem: osxfs
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41981] : Using protocol TwoThousand msize 16384
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41984] : Hypervisor: native; BootProtocol: direct; UefiBootDisk: /Users/marcelloseri/UefiBoot.qcow2
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41984] : Launching: /Applications/ -A -m 2G -c 1 -u -s 0:0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc -s 2:0,virtio-ipc,uuid=09c616d5-e393-4336-b2d8-98914e34e689,path=/Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s50,macfile=/Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/mac.0 -s 3,virtio-blk,file:///Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2,format=qcow -s 4,virtio-9p,path=/Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40,tag=db -s 5,virtio-rnd -s 6,virtio-9p,path=/Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s51,tag=port -s 7,virtio-sock,guest_cid=3,path=/Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data,guest_forwards=2376;1525 -l com1,autopty=/Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty,log=/Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/console-ring -f kexec,/Applications/,/Applications/,earlyprintk=serial console=ttyS0 com.docker.driverDir=“/Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux”, com.docker.database=“com.docker.driver.amd64-linux” -F /Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41988] : Starting xhyve
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41984] : May 21 12:34:19 Docker[41988] : Starting xhyve
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : PPP.negotiate: received ((magic VMN3T)(version 15)(commit 4151b0fc71e51fb8e551d0a1870893ac99a379bc))
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : PPP.negotiate: received (Ethernet 09c616d5-e393-4336-b2d8-98914e34e689)
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : PPP.negotiate: sending ((mtu 1500)(max_packet_size 1550)(client_macaddr c0:ff:ee:c0:ff:ee))
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41984] : mirage_block_open file:///Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2 buffered = true
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : PPP.listen: called a second time: doing nothing
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41982] : TCP/IP ready
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41984] : mirage_block_open returning 0
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41984] : mirage_block_stat
May 21 12:34:19 MarciBook Docker[41984] : vsock init 7:0 = /Users/marcelloseri/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data, guest_cid = 3
May 21 12:34:22 MarciBook Docker[41984] :
rdmsr to register 0x34 on vcpu 0
May 21 12:34:22 MarciBook Docker[41984] : Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
— last message repeated 4 times —
May 21 12:34:24 MarciBook Docker[41981] : transfused: mount
May 21 12:34:24 MarciBook Docker[41981] : transfused: /bin/fusermount
May 21 12:34:24 MarciBook Docker[41981] : transfused: -o
May 21 12:34:24 MarciBook Docker[41981] : transfused: allow_other,max_read=1048576,subtype=osxfs
May 21 12:34:24 MarciBook Docker[41981] : transfused: /Mac
May 21 12:34:24 MarciBook Docker[41981] : transfused:
May 21 12:34:24 MarciBook Docker[41981] : osxfs tracing: OFF
May 21 12:34:24 MarciBook Docker[41982] : Using protocol TwoThousand msize 8192
May 21 12:34:26 MarciBook Docker[41984] : Docker is responding
May 21 12:34:26 MarciBook Docker[41983] : VM has started at 2016-05-21 12:34:26 +0100 BST
May 21 12:34:26 MarciBook Docker[41958] : dockerState = running

Could you check if DOCKER_HOST and DOCKER_CERT_PATH are set in ~/.bash_profile from a previous boot2docker installation?
If they are, could you comment them out and try docker run hello-world (or something else).

1 Like

Indeed. Thank you very much. Now it works perfectly!

There was an old DOCKER_HOST set since when I used to run docker in a vagrant container, I completely missed it. Maybe it would be good to add a remark about it on the installation FAQs: simply to make sure that any leftover of old installations is removed.

Same behaviour for me but I don’t have anything set for DOCKER_HOST or DOCKER_CERT_PATH.

In my case it installed great, used it without any problems until a restart of my mac and then could not start anymore.

I had no DOCKER variables in .bash_profile or in /etc/bashrc
I cannot run hello-world because Docker does not come up. The same binary and same OS work fine on my Macbook Pro, just not on my iMac.

Performing a “Reset to Factory Defaults” from Settings solved for me.


Same here, it fixed it using the Beta13

1 Like

I’m in the same boat. Boats!

Expected behavior

run docker for mac, docker for mac is usable

Actual behavior

little icon shows activity, says “docker is starting” constantly

Running docker returns the “Bad response” error after a long delay.

> docker ps
Error response from daemon: Bad response from Docker engine


  • Running OS X 10.11.5 (15F34)

  • Running Docker for Mac Betat Version 1.11.1-beta13.1 (build: 8193)

  • Running under fish shell, version 2.3.0 (also tried bash)

  • Nothing in my profile nor my environment

      > set | grep -i docker
      > find ~ -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l DOCKER
      > grep DOCKER /etc/bashrc
  • I was running docker toolbox previously

  • Performing a “Reset to Factory Defaults” did NOT fix the issue for me

  • Some syslog -k Sender Docker output:

      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: Application version: 1.11.1-beta13.1 (8193)
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: OSX Version: Version 10.11.5 (Build 15F34)
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: migrator: start migration process
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: migrator: previous install detected
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: migrator: previous version is 1.11.1-beta13.1
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: migrator: no migration needed, you are good to go!
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: migrator: end of migration process
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: event tracker initialized
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: Limited access: checking...
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: Bundle path: /Applications/
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16095] <Notice>: Client reports version 1, commit e9f58bbe60f0debccc097b7d27cad200556ec6f5
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: com.docker.docker commit: e9f58bbe60f0debccc097b7d27cad200556ec6f5 wants version 15
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: com.docker.vmnetd commit: e9f58bbe60f0debccc097b7d27cad200556ec6f5 has version 15
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: probe of /var/tmp/com.docker.vmnetd.socket successful: not reinstalling component
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16095] <Notice>: EOF reading packet from Unix domain socket: closing
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16095] <Error>: Failed to read command from client
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Notice>: Client reports version 1, commit e9f58bbe60f0debccc097b7d27cad200556ec6f5
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Critical>: client with uid 501 requests com.docker.vmnetd install symlinks
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Critical>: File /usr/local/bin/docker is a symlink
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Critical>: File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Critical>: File /usr/local/bin/docker-compose is a symlink
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Critical>: File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Critical>: File /usr/local/bin/notary is a symlink
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Critical>: File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Critical>: File /usr/local/bin/pinata is a symlink
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Critical>: File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Critical>: File /usr/local/bin/docker-machine is a symlink
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16096] <Critical>: File /var/run/docker.sock is a symlink or a socket
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: Symlinks are valid.
      Jun  1 09:30:25 unknown Docker[16085] <Notice>: com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux launched with PID 16097
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16097] <Notice>: Acquired task manager lock
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16097] <Notice>: Starting com.docker.db, com.docker.osxfs, com.docker.slirp, com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux, com.docker.driver.amd64-linux
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16097] <Notice>: Start com.docker.db (pid 16100)
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16097] <Notice>: Start com.docker.osxfs (pid 16101)
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16097] <Notice>: Start com.docker.slirp (pid 16102)
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16101] <Notice>: Logging to Apple System Log
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16097] <Notice>: Start com.docker.osx.hyperkit.linux (pid 16103)
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: Logging to Apple System Log
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: Setting handler to ignore all SIGPIPE signals
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: starting port_forwarding port_control_path:fd:4 vsock_path:/Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/@connect
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: attempting to reconnect to database on unix /Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16097] <Notice>: Start com.docker.driver.amd64-linux (pid 16104)
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: reconnected transport layer
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: allowing binds to any IP addresses
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: Creating slirp server pcap_settings:disabled peer_ip: local_ip:
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16103] <Notice>: API server starting
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16103] <Notice>: 🍀 socket path is: /Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s20
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16103] <Notice>: > socket removed.
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: Acquired hypervisor lock
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16103] <Notice>: VM has shutdown at 2016-06-01 09:30:19 -0700 PDT
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: hypervisor: native
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: filesystem: osxfs
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16101] <Notice>: Using protocol TwoThousand msize 16384
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: Hypervisor: native; BootProtocol: direct; UefiBootDisk: /Users/ben/UefiBoot.qcow2
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: Launching: /Applications/ -A -m 2G -c 2 -u -s 0:0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc -s 2:0,virtio-ipc,uuid=1ecdc4bc-dbf9-4496-9cc1-f4f30dee3bf4,path=/Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s50,macfile=/Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/mac.0 -s 3,virtio-blk,file:///Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2,format=qcow -s 4,virtio-9p,path=/Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40,tag=db -s 5,virtio-rnd -s 6,virtio-9p,path=/Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s51,tag=port -s 7,virtio-sock,guest_cid=3,path=/Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data,guest_forwards=2376;1525 -l com1,autopty=/Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty,log=/Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/console-ring -f kexec,/Applications/,/Applications/,earlyprintk=serial console=ttyS0 com.docker.driverDir="/Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux", com.docker.database="com.docker.driver.amd64-linux" -F /Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16107] <Notice>: Starting hyperkit
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: Jun  1 09:30:26  Docker[16107] <Notice>: Starting hyperkit
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: PPP.negotiate: received ((magic VMN3T)(version 15)(commit e9f58bbe60f0debccc097b7d27cad200556ec6f5))
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: PPP.negotiate: received (Ethernet 1ecdc4bc-dbf9-4496-9cc1-f4f30dee3bf4)
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: PPP.negotiate: sending ((mtu 1500)(max_packet_size 1550)(client_macaddr c0:ff:ee:c0:ff:ee))
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: PPP.listen: called a second time: doing nothing
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: TCP/IP ready
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: mirage_block_open file:///Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2 buffered = true
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: mirage_block_open returning 0
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: mirage_block_stat
      Jun  1 09:30:26 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: vsock init 7:0 = /Users/ben/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data, guest_cid = 3
      Jun  1 09:30:28 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: 
          rdmsr to register 0x34 on vcpu 1
      Jun  1 09:30:29 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
      --- last message repeated 6 times ---
      Jun  1 09:30:32 unknown Docker[16101] <Error>: transfused: mount 
      Jun  1 09:30:32 unknown Docker[16101] <Error>: transfused: /bin/fusermount 
      Jun  1 09:30:32 unknown Docker[16101] <Error>: transfused: -o 
      Jun  1 09:30:32 unknown Docker[16101] <Error>: transfused: allow_other,max_read=1048576,subtype=osxfs 
      Jun  1 09:30:32 unknown Docker[16101] <Error>: transfused: /Mac 
      Jun  1 09:30:32 unknown Docker[16101] <Error>: transfused: 
      Jun  1 09:30:32 unknown Docker[16101] <Notice>: osxfs tracing: OFF 
      Jun  1 09:30:32 unknown Docker[16102] <Notice>: Using protocol TwoThousand msize 8192
      Jun  1 09:30:33 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
      --- last message repeated 35 times ---
      Jun  1 09:37:12 unknown Docker[16288] <Notice>: EOF reading packet from Unix domain socket: closing
      Jun  1 09:37:12 unknown Docker[16288] <Critical>: Failed to read hello from client
      Jun  1 09:37:12 unknown Docker[16102] <Error>: server loop caught Failure("Caught EOF on underlying FLOW"): no further requests will be processed
      Jun  1 09:37:14 unknown Docker[16104] <Notice>: Docker is not responding: waiting 0.5s
      --- last message repeated 21 times ---
  • Some pinata diagnose -u output:

      OS X: version 10.11.5 (build: 15F34) version v1.11.1-beta13.1
      Running diagnostic tests:
      [OK]      Moby booted
      [OK]      driver.amd64-linux
      [OK]      vmnetd
      [OK]      osxfs
      [OK]      db
      [OK]      slirp
      [OK]      menubar
      [OK]      environment
      [OK]      Docker
      [OK]      VT-x
      Docker logs are being collected into /tmp/20160601-093712.tar.gz
      Most specific failure is: No error was detected
      Your unique id is: 6F3E0F11-BECD-446C-934D-F0CA3D2D20F8
      Please quote this in all correspondence.

Reset to factory defaults also worked for me.

I ran the following command, then reinstalled the beta, now things seem to work!

rm -rf /usr/local/bin/docker{,-compose,-machine} /Applications/ ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker

Same issue, Docker commands do not run despite Docker showing as running.
And on a restart it gets stuck in starting.
Diagnostic ID : 77FD4926-11FA-4415-B534-CD55453F9ABB

Apologies for bumping a really, really old thread, but I was having this issue on macOS Monterey 12.2.1 (Intel), Docker Desktop 4.6.1, and this solution worked for me:

rm -rf /usr/local/bin/docker{,-compose,-machine} /Applications/ ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker

Thanks for posting what works for you, old thread or not! :+1:

Does that also remove any existing containers and maybe even Docker-managed volumes?

(I feel that one always should be able to re-create containers from images, like by storing Dockerfiles in some source control and not altering the container directly. And that one should backup any data volumes. But not everyone ensures both.)

Thanks alot
Seems to be fine :+1: