Docker HUB license question

We have Docker HUB free team plan .

And we have 2 type of docker images
→ One will distribute under Community Apache 2 License
→ Other docker images under commercial license

So can we host both of the above docker images in Docker HUB under free team plan or is there any Docker HUB license concerns we need to think about ?

Does anyone have opinion on this ?


Do I need a paid subscription to use the images on Docker Hub for commercial use?

Images on Docker Hub can be used for commercial use, as long as Docker Desktop is properly licensed. Paid subscriptions are needed for commercial use of Docker Desktop at organizations with more than $10 million annual revenue OR more than 250 employees.

Although it is about using images, I believe the same is true for pushing images.

So you can share any images on Docker Hub, only Docker Desktop requires paid subscriptions if it is used by a large company. If you don’t need the paid features of Docker Hub, its free. Of course if you have images for commercial use, you may want to use private repositories, but only one is allowed to use with a free account. So the images will be free to download and you need to project the software in it so it can be used only by paying people.

Note that I’m just a member of the community and not speaking on behalf of Docker Inc, so if you are not sure what you can and can’t do, you will have to contact Docker Support or send an email to