Docker on Windows Update to 2.1.037199 fails for supposed lack of disk space

I have been running Docker without issue for months, Trying to upgrade my Docker instance, I am greeted with:

Yet i have more than 100 GB free on my boot volume. What gives?

BTW, also tried Docker Edge It fails also, but for a different reason:

I cannot attach a picture (new user), but is says “file not found”.

Win 10 Enterprise version 19.03

Going back to the previous version…

Matters got just a whole lot worse. I am unable to reinstall Docker Desktop

The installer hangs at “Removing files…”

I am dead in the water.

can you nstall the Docker now?

Yes, I did a radical manual clean of the registry and all files I could find (%localappdata% and C:\Program Files\Docker), rebooted. Also, I vaguely remember that I discovered the problem was apparently caused by the update installer being located in the same folder as the files the updater tries to delete. So it is vital that the installer is run from a different folder.
All is running smoothly now. Thanks for checking back with me.

Do you install Docker via toolbox or Desktop Client ?

I used the Docker Desktop for WIndows installer found here:

I have got stuck into this situation

Does it mean that I have to wait?