I created a docker container, installed my app. and everything went OK, but when I push it to my dockerhub, I got this error:
It doesn’t seem to affect the dockarized app.
docker push ajnouri/dolibarr
The push refers to a repository [docker.io/ajnouri/dolibarr]
920977263fa4: Preparing
5f70bf18a086: Preparing
3f99f620b29a: Preparing
66c150fb81cc: Preparing
31254da66408: Layer already exists
ecc53e54b6dc: Layer already exists
daf186fa60bb: Layer already exists
bf721bc7e47e: Layer already exists
39cf224201c8: Pushing [==================================================>] 188.1 MB/188.1 MB
file integrity checksum failed for “usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdb-5.3.so”
Any hint?