Docker slack invite url not working

@raquelhortab please try joining here: , we have updated the link.

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That link is on the Docker Community page: Docker Community - Docker
It still requires the domains mentioned above. I tried it earlier, but I am already a member and I don’t remember how I joined, but I think I was invited so I thought it was normal.

What about the two sentences at the end?

You can use any account with the domain:

Don’t have an email address from one of those domains?
Contact the workspace administrator at Docker Community for an invitation.

@evabojorges Can you clearify who the workspace admistrators are and how to contact them for an invitation?

It appears to be just a login page for users already associated with the Docker Community slack workspace. Though, I haven’t tested the OAuth/Oidc login with a google or apple account - thus I can’t tell if the invite works for those accounts.

It doesn’t look like its working with the google OAuth, or at least it wasn’t for me.

It’s still the same. Not working.

Can you try this link?

This one worked, haven’t tried the 2nd one though.

Finally! the first one worked for me

Now, not to be the party pooper, but I still stand by the following :slight_smile:

And of course, having some great people around here!

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This was the only link which worked for me! :tada:

Finally after trying many many links yours worked, thank you!

Maybe update the one on the official page as well as github template which are still pointing to the wrong broken link: Docker Community - Docker

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Interesting. I thought that link was already fixed. maybe I just remembered this link:

which can be found on the docker support page:

So this longer dockercommunity link is probably the one that should be used on the page that you mentioned. Thanks for reporting it! :slight_smile:

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current link is this: