Error: "No such image: chrissalmon/ge…" During Getting Started Part 4

Hi there,

I am trying to make my way through the getting started tutorial and so far things have been going well. (With a few minor group policy hiccups).
However, I am currently stuck on Part 4: Swarms.

I have created my VMs, initiated the swarm on myvm1 as the leader, joined myvm2 to the swarm as a worker, set the docker-machine shell variable settings and deployed the stack using my docker-compose.yml (which is set to create 3 replicas).

However, I cannot connect to my VMs using the IP address shows in “docker node ls”, I get this error;

PS C:\Users\chrissalmon\Docker> Invoke-WebRequest
Invoke-WebRequest : Unable to connect to the remote server
At line:1 char:1

  • Invoke-WebRequest
  •   + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-WebRequest], WebException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand

And when I run “Docker stack ps getstartedlab” I am presented with this;

PS C:\Users\chrissalmon\Docker> docker stack ps getstartedlab
jpyj2ctfezci getstartedlab_web.1 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm1 Running Preparing 7 seconds ago
tp0rvjhpdcjk _ getstartedlab_web.1 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm2 Shutdown Rejected 7 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”
o3bkt48mwjbl _ getstartedlab_web.1 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm1 Shutdown Rejected 22 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”
l3ndcu9gpmsk _ getstartedlab_web.1 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm2 Shutdown Rejected 38 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”
kiu6uh21vyvv _ getstartedlab_web.1 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm1 Shutdown Rejected 53 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”
rufw0hzo2tsh getstartedlab_web.2 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm1 Running Preparing 6 seconds ago
oftpfplcfnc2 _ getstartedlab_web.2 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm2 Shutdown Rejected 7 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”
tjf214bg66tg _ getstartedlab_web.2 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm1 Shutdown Rejected 22 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”
jw6set2veo5s _ getstartedlab_web.2 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm2 Shutdown Rejected 37 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”
ukgmq14mvta2 _ getstartedlab_web.2 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm1 Shutdown Rejected 52 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”
vq5i99q3nzwv getstartedlab_web.3 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm1 Running Preparing 6 seconds ago
i2bh5h5boaqi _ getstartedlab_web.3 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm2 Shutdown Rejected 7 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”
sl5ossuv1vs3 _ getstartedlab_web.3 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm1 Shutdown Rejected 22 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”
re0h7vm22j9h _ getstartedlab_web.3 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm2 Shutdown Rejected 37 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”
1n0s5pi6lxfl _ getstartedlab_web.3 chrissalmon/get-started:part2 myvm1 Shutdown Rejected 52 seconds ago “No such image: chrissalmon/ge…”

I am running Windows 10, behind a workplace proxy (which I believe I have tackled so it should have no issues connecting) and I am accessing via Powershell.

Can anyone give me any sort of information on why this is happening?

Hey, did you use some non-english character in the name of container/image? For me it looks like problem with encoding as you can see here: “chrissalmon/ge…”, but it might be that I see it wrong on my end.

Hey thanks for the reply.
Not that I am aware off, my container image is names exactly the same as the one in the example, just with my username instead, i.e. chrissalmon/get-started:part2