Error response from daemon: manifest for *** not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

Hello everybody,

I am having a problem pulling my images from docker hub. Here is what I did:

  • I built my image with azure devops and it seems it correctly built and pushed the image to my docker hub account
    (here is the log
    (here are the images on my docker hub for reference
    ** note that latest is the only image that was successfully built by autobuild on dockerhub, ubuntuXXcudaYY have been built by azure **)

  • when I try to pull the image on my computer:

    docker pull simogasp/eesep_dependencies:ubuntu16.04cuda8.0
    Error response from daemon: manifest for simogasp/eesep_dependencies:ubuntu16.04cuda8.0 not found: 
    manifest unknown: manifest unknown

    but if I try to pull latest it works. Also no problem to pull any another public images.

  • I have the same problem when i try to pull the image from Gitlab CI, same error. (latest works fine)

  • I also tried to pull using the digest instead of the tag as described here (https:/ / but again no luck and the same exact error.

Is there something that I’m doing wrong?

Thank you!


Hello ,
I have a error for docker pull mysql
can you help me please
Error response from daemon: manifest for mysql/mysql-server:VERSION not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

I had a very similar issue and I solved by using the correct tag rather than using the default “latest” tag.