Failed to install extension: the local image you are trying to install has been modified and is different from the published image drone/drone-ci-docker-extension:0.2.0

Can some help with the solution to this issue:

Failed to install extension: the local image you are trying to install has been modified and is different from the published image drone/drone-ci-docker-extension:0.2.0

I am trying to install an extension in docker but i keep getting this notification that is preventing me from installing the extension.

I am running Docker compose V4.15

Is this the first time you install the extension? Is it possible that you have an image with the same tag but it is actually different?

Please, run the following commands to get the tags and the digests of the image:

docker image inspect drone/drone-ci-docker-extension:0.2.0 --format '{{ json  .RepoTags }}'

docker image inspect drone/drone-ci-docker-extension:0.2.0 --format '{{ json  .RepoDigests }}'

I managed to reproduce the issue when I ran

docker image pull drone/drone-ci-docker-extension:0.2.0


docker image pull drone/drone-ci-docker-extension:0.2.0-linux-arm64

on my macOS which has an ARM cpu. I got multiple digests and the extension installation did not work until I removed all of the tags and pulled docker image inspect drone/drone-ci-docker-extension:0.2.0 again or I just let Docker Desktop to pull the image.

On Windows I guess you could similar issue but with the amd64 image.

I’m having the same issue but I’m not sure if your reply is a solution. I’m unable to install any extensions at the moment using Docker Desktop on win11. I get the same error when trying to install any of them,

Failed to install extension: the local image you are trying to install has been modified and is different from the published image

I fixed it exiting docker and by deleteing %userprofile%.docker folder then starting docker again.


Thank you! Worked for me :slightly_smiling_face: