Lost files when I start Docker

Hi there,

Not sure if this is the right place to post, so sorry.
Every time you start docker, I no longer have my original files to process my files to wedodm? This has been going on for 2 months, and it happened overnight.

If someone has an idea ?

Thank you



no ideas ?

thank you


Since the language of this forum is English and you have chosen a non-english topic title you can expect much less attention. I clicked on the title now only because I saw there was a second post in it and I was curious. Now I used Google Translate to translate the title and fixed it.

Do you use Docker Desktop for Mac on macOS? If yes, you posted in the right category.

Since I don’t know what files you have lost and where those files were, I can only guess that you had files inside a container and the containers were deleted so your dat awas deleted as well. You can use volumes to avoid that

If I am not right, please, provide more details including how you start the containers and exactly how you installed Docker on what operating system.


Yes i am with a mac and docker

I will look at the documentation of the volumes, thanks


Is it possible to save the containers ?

Because yesterday I had a “bug” again and lost the files. Thanks again for the help


The above part of my previous message is still required. Containers are not deleted automatically unless you make them automatically deletable

It is also possible that you just not defined any restart policy so your containers are stoped and when you run docker ps you don’t see stopped containers. Try

docker ps -a

Hello and thank you for your feedback,

I have installed Docker in basic way on macos catalina, I open the application and I keep the default settings of Docker to work with WEBODM.

It launches Docker and then WEBODM and sometimes I have my files that are no longer visible, when I haven’t touched anything in the applications.

I will try this morning what you ask me.

Thank you for your time


Hello again,

I got this back in terminal

everything is normal ?

Thank you


I am sorry, but I still don’t have enough information to help you. I see running containers on the screenshot, but I don’t know what files you have lost. After I wrote about volumes I thought you have lost entire containers, but it looks like your containers had been running for 41 hours. I also asked you to share how you start the containers. That question is still the question that I had in my first post and than I also quoted it. In that question I meant a docker command or a compose file. If we don’t know how you start a container, and we don’t know what files you have lost, where those files were, we can’t help you. Can you share more details?


As you can imagine, I am totally new to the docker environment. I put my files back in docker via webodm. my simple question, how to save my volumes if by chance, it bugs?

Thanks again for your time


You can use the “Volumes Backup & Share” extension.

Great, thanks for your help
