Repository error on build

Hello everybody

I have a problem from some month, usually I solved it restoring a backup, but sometimes this is not possible,

When I try to make a build I receive the error:

The repository ' stretch/updates Release' does not have a Release file.

maybe the same build one or two days before was ok.

There is a known solution for this error?

What are you building? It sounds to me this is not limited to Docker, even when it is something you happen to be trying to do using Docker.

I try to build RocketMAD GitHub - cecpk/RocketMAD: Live visualization of all the Pokémon (with option to show gyms, raids, PokéSt
I could change repository if I’m ouf from docker using stretch-updates Release but I cannot into docker

I’m not seeing anything about Docker on that link? So, how are you trying to build it?

On that link you can find Dockerfile, that is the build file