Trying to run linuxserver/Radarr , Sonarr, Jackett in Docker on WIndows

Does anyone have examples of what the docker run command should be to run linuxserver/radarr and/or sonarr, the only examples I found were for direct linux using systemctl and systemd.

I have the following but am unsure about missing parts and having it auto start on restarts:

docker run --rm \
                              --name=radarr \
                              -v C:\<folder for config>:/config \
                              -v Z:\<Plexmedia folder>:/downloads \
                              -v Z:\<Plexmedia folder>:/movies \
                              -e PGID=<gid> -e PUID=<uid>  \
                              -e TZ=<timezone> \
                              -p 7878:7878 \

Thanks for any help