Updated Docker Swarm Documentation - Building Production like system

I am trying to find documentation for building a Docker Swarm for production use.

It does not look like there is anything official for this for Docker 1.12
I found https://docs.docker.com/swarm/install-manual/ which talks about service discovery however since that is older documentation I did not want to rely on it being accurate.

I already followed https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/swarm-tutorial/ and I have a working swarm but I am missing the necessary parts for service discovery and node balancing.

Just a bit of clarification as I am reading a bit more and wrapping my brain around everything.
The impression that I get from the documentation is that Consul is no longer needed and Swarm Mode now basically includes the DNS and the load balancer.
What is not clear is what this means for handling traffic coming into the cluster.
Without an external load balancer, can someone hit any of the swarm managers with the right IP and it will be routed to whatever node has the matching container running (balanced between the various containers), or do you have to know the node that the container is on?


I’m in the same predicament, where is the service discovery and load balancer documentation?