Can't find docker manifest since update

ERROR: failed building service 'web': failing invoking action 'build', building container: web at .: building image: exit code: 1, stdout: , stderr: Dockerfile:2
   1 |     # base node image
   2 | >>> FROM node:18-bullseye-slim as base
   3 |     
   4 |     # set for base and all layer that inherit from it
ERROR: failed to solve: node:18-bullseye-slim: no match for platform in manifest sha256:2ff9841de879f1a2d2d8ef83183c2d93435c451a36d6cfb37b3331d1386c00f8: not found
: exit code: 1, stdout: , stderr: Dockerfile:2
   1 |     # base node image
   2 | >>> FROM node:18-bullseye-slim as base
   3 |     
   4 |     # set for base and all layer that inherit from it
ERROR: failed to solve: node:18-bullseye-slim: no match for platform in manifest sha256:2ff9841de879f1a2d2d8ef83183c2d93435c451a36d6cfb37b3331d1386c00f8: not found
: exit status 1

What exactly did you update and from what version to what version? Please, provide more details if you still need help.

Note that the images are for Linux. If you accidentally switched from Linux containers to Windows containers, you need to switch back to Linux containers in Docker Desktop.

from docker desktop 4.18 to 4.19

I can only quote myself, but first I fixed my previous post becuse there were too many typos in it