Clarification on pull limits for an organization under the Open Source Community Program


I’m part of a Docker Hub organization that is enrolled into the Open Source Community Program.

In the lights of the recent changes regarding the pull limits:

Could you please clarify the statement on the Open Source Community Program page:

Program members and users pulling public images from your project namespace are not subject to rate limits.

Does this mean that users that have a Docker Hub account and are part of the organization that is enrolled into the program, benefit from “no limits” pulls? Are the limits the same for authenticated users that are not part of the organization? What about “unauthenticated users”, by “users” do you mean having an account on Docker Hub or “users” means the ones that are using the Docker Hub service, so “unauthenticated users” benefit from these “no limits”?

Maybe you could give some examples, like if I’m a user with no plan, and I’m not part of the organization, do I benefit from the “no limits” pull from the project namespace or not. Also, the same for “unauthenticated users”?

This is important for me because I need to disclose those limits publicly to the users using my Docker images of my open source software.

Thank you in advance for the reply.

I’m not a DSOS member and never really had to care about rate limits, so no personal exprience, but official images had similar limits, and I believe anyone could pull images without counting the number of pulls. Here, the “Program members” could mean that when program members are logged in, they would probably not have to worry about rate limits when pulling other images either, so for example they could pulll base images or images used for building. I just wrote some examples, but if I interpret it correctly, it would mean program members could pull images of the organization and other images too without counting pulls.

If you are already a member, you could test it. But the fact that I assume how it works means you are right when saying

There is a documentation page in which you could request a change to make it more clear:

There is a “Request changes” link in the top right corner. It creates an issue on GitHub which you can follow.

Got the answer from the support.

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Thank you for sharing. So it is almost what I thought, except that users outside of the org has to authenticate too.

I got the reply about the unauthenticated users too.

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