Docker for Windows does not start after reinstall

Expected behavior

After reinstalling Docker for Windows I was expecting everything to work fine

Actual behavior

After installation the Docker for Windows process starts but idles with low CPU and Memory usage.The trayicon does not show up and the Hyper-V Manager does not show any virtual machines…


This is the Log upon start:
The Install log from latest uninstall attempts look like this:
The line “VM MobyLinuxVM does not exist” seems odd.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Uninstall Docker for Windows
  2. Install Docker for Windows again

I think I might be having the same issue as you. Can you check that it is similar to what I’m describing here?

The guy here also seems to be experiencing the issue: Unable to start docker

You can find the logs in $USER/AppData/Local/Docker.

Yes this seems to be the same issue, my log files contain the exact same amount of information and no errors. It just seems like Docker is not doing anything upon start. Both processes run with low profile and there is no MobyLinuxVM to be found in Hyper-V

I included my logfiles in the original post, as well as my latest (un)install-log
logs from installs look normal and dont contain any errors.

I have tried to keep it running for 8 hours since last start. It seems like this is due to some timeout error. The updated log can be seen here: Note that there is an 8 hour delay between getting a diagnostic ID and the next event. The thing that I am seeing as the possible culprit is this message Failed to upload an event and will retry later. This corresponds with the network activity I am reporting in the Github issue. Maybe a firewall issue?
The current status is that the Docker for Windows client shows up in the tray. It is however stuck with status “Docker is starting” and no updates to the log. With regards to network activity I am seeing the same activity as earlier reported. The biggest change is that I have established contact to the docker service with docker ps and that I can start a container with docker run busybox. I will try to see if I can reproduce this behaviour tomorrow.