I already made a self diagnose with Powershell, but still not able to open the information and see what is happening and trying to fix this. This is the first time I’m trying to use this two apps. I need help.
Docker Desktop depends on WSL1/2 (WSL2 preferred!). Whenever WSL is broken, Docker Desktop is affected by it. It could also be that you need to run Docker Desktop with admin privileges - which pretty much depends on what you configured.
I’m sorry, not into coding, programming or anything. So, as far as I understand WSL2 is related to Linux, is that right? This WSL comes with Windows or should I install something else to be able to run Docker? Again, not a coder or programmer, just a regular user.
I have no idea whether you need to install WSL2, or WSL2 is already installed but broken.
Though, I can say that it doesn’t hurt if you try to install it. A short google search should find plenty of blog posts that show how to install WSL2 on Windows 10 or 11. Furthermore, the forum search should find matches when it comes to Docker Desktop and problems caused by a broken WSL installation.
Can you share what this means? Does it mean you want to run a nodejs container? If so, what does “in Pi Network” relate to?
Oh. It is a cripto proyect. You can mine on your phone but also, you can run a node in your PC to mine it faster.
In their words: The Pi blockchain requires Docker , which is a platform for securely building and sharing applications. Docker encloses all the blockchain complexity in a “container” that is isolated from the rest of your computer, respecting your privacy and security.
You can find more information here: Pi Node | Pi Network