Pre-create check failed when first time launch Docker Quickstart Terminal

Expected behavior

Docker VM on Windows create successfully.

Actual behavior

Docker VM on Windows host failed with “No default Boot2Docker ISO found locally” and also get not get it from remote link.


Running pre-create checks…
(default)No default Boot2Docker ISO found locally, downloading the latest release…
Error with pre-create check: "Get
docker/releases/latest: dial tcp connectex: A connection att
empt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to r
Looks like something went wrong in step ‘Checking if machine default exists’…
Press any key to continue…

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Install DockerToolbox-1.11.0 on Windows
  2. Launch Docker Quickstart Terminal

I have solved the problem. The boot2docker.iso should be located under c:\user\USERNAME.docker\machine\cache


you can download boot2docker from

I kept the boot2docker.iso file in c:\user\USERNAME.docker\machine\cache.
Still I am facing the issue
"Running pre-create checks…
default)No default Boot2Docker ISO found locally, downloading the latest release…
Error with pre-create check: "Get
docker/releases/latest: dial tcp connectex: A connection att
empt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to r
Looks like something went wrong in step ‘Checking if machine default exists’…
Press any key to continue…”

Dowload boot2docker.iso and save it in %HOMEPATH%.docker\machine\cache.

It will warn some other problems, but you may go on.

it works for me. but the path is c:\user\USERNAME.docker\machine\cache in my windows7 pc,not USERNAME.docker

Nice… it works…
thank u… its good suggestion for beginners:grinning:

It works for Windows 10 also…
Thanks for suggesting

I also faced the same issue. Now, it is resolved after placing boot2docker.iso in %HOMEPATH%.docker\machine\cache.
Thank you.

Thanks it does work. But the path is c:\user\USERNAME.docker\machine\cache and not

strange I am not sure why there is no backward slash after USERNAME. Even i am getting the same path as posted earlier.

I downloaded the docker iso image and then specified the path in the docker-machine create command as

docker-machine create -d hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "<Switch Name>" --hyperv-boot2docker-url "file://Path To/boot2docker.iso" --hyperv-disk-size 2000 --hyperv-memory 512 Manager1

Worked for me as well.

Thank you

I was having the same problem because my computer was behind a corporate proxy.
I fixed it by adding the following line (replace with your proxy info):

export "HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy:3128"

to the file in Docker toolbox installation, which in my machine was:

C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\

Thank you
It worked for me.

you forgot a slash : %HOMEPATH%\.docker\machine\cache

hey sandeep,

i’ve downloaded docker in my pc, but it is not installing as i’m getting some errors.
‘ERROR WITH PRE-CREATE CHECK - this computer does’nt have VT-X/AMD-v enabled. Enabling it in BIOS is mandatory.
Looks like something went wrong in step ’ checking if machine default exists’… press any key to continue…’

(i’ve already enabled Virtualization is BIOS and checked everytime in ->task manager->CPU )

kindly help me out.
thank you


i’ve downloaded docker in my pc, but it is not installing as i’m getting some errors.
‘ERROR WITH PRE-CREATE CHECK - this computer does’nt have VT-X/AMD-v enabled. Enabling it in BIOS is mandatory.
Looks like something went wrong in step ’ checking if machine default exists’… press any key to continue…’

(i’ve already enabled Virtualization is BIOS and checked everytime in ->task manager->CPU )

kindly help me out.
thank you