"Privileged pop-up message" is never displayed on MacOS

So, I ran into the malware issue a while back.
Followed the instructions here: Fix startup issue for Mac | Docker Docs
Rebooted. No warnings.
Installed Docker 4.37.2.
Launch Docker. Never get the “Privileged pop-up message”.

Now what?

What popup should be shown? Does it cause any trouble? Maybe if you explain what problem it causes someone will have an idea. I never see popups when I start Docker Desktop and I installed it in “System” mode.

The “Privileged pop-up message” as mentioned in the previously mentioned article.
The problem is that Docker Desktop never opens its UI. It will show up in Activity Monitor, but can’t actually be used.

Thank you for the clarification. I wasn’t sure why you expected a pop-up, but this means the issue is not that you don’T see a pop-up, but that the Docker Desktop GUI does not show up. Check this post please

It helped the user in that topic. Don’t forget to execute the last two lines of the script. And reboot MacOS again if needed after that. These were the solutions in all cases I have seen until now.

Since you referred to another part of the documentation, it is possible that something is missing in that part or something was done in the wrong order. I’m not sure as I never had this error

Yep. Done all of that.
I suspect that Docker Desktop UI is not being displayed because the “privileged pop-up” is never displayed and I am not able to enter my password.
Please see steps 4 and 5 in this post: Fix startup issue for Mac | Docker Docs


Thank you for reference. I thought you read it somewhere else so I didn’t look for in in the docs before.

Or the pop-up is not displayed because there is something still missing which would make it happen. I’m not sure as I was lucky enough not to have the original issue so I couldn’t reproduce anything that followed it.

Please, check this topic as well:

It is possible your problem is different, but unfortunately I don’t know what could solve it if not what users reported previously.

Copying the two files to the privileged helper tools directory did the job. I did that, rebooted, and launched Docker. Got the expected pop-ups (turns out there are two). Docker Desktop is running. Thanks!

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