Want to purchase subscription for our organization - no response from support


I want to follow the new subscription and provide a desktop license for each of our developers.
I ran into problems and tried contacting support but no response for almost 2 months…
We’re literally trying to increase our monthly payment to Docker and no one seems to respond/care?

I have been wating for an answer since the beginning of September. I paid for a whole year but I can’t use my current subscription. The last automatic response was:

Please note that we are experiencing a backlog in tickets and will respond to your request as soon as we can

I understand how disappointing it could be. I hope it will change soon, because it can lead to the point when people are looking for alternatives. Registry, dashboard, security check and so on…

I am trying to be patient, because I like Docker Hub. Maybe I will write again responding to their last response. I hope you will get an answer soon.

Footnote: I am here on the forum only because I didn’t get an answer so I wanted to give as many answer as I could :slight_smile:

Hey @tigerconnectzvika ,

I’ve contacted you directly to get some more information about your ticket.

What @rimelek said is exactly right, thank you for your patience

@rimelek I’ve also contacted you privately to get your information and get this fixed.

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Good Day to you Eva , could you also contact me regarding a ticket I have raised please?

Just did :slight_smile: Check your inbox

Hi Eva! I know you guys are dealing with an influx of tickets, but I need help changing the password to my account. I’m not receiving any emails for a password change, and our IT department is completely stumped as to why. My company needs to get access to this account ASAP so I can purchase more licenses. If you could contact me when you have a moment, that would be great.Thank you and sorry for the trouble.

I’ll reach out with a private message.

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Hi Eva, many thanks for your speedy response, can I check have you received my response to your inbox ? I am based in UK but will stay online as late as possible and await your response . thanks

@evabojorges I again thank you for the prior assistance.
Not sure why everybody’s joining this thread and not creating a new one but that’s fine :slight_smile:
I’m just unsubscribing from emails at this point.

Hi Eva, could you kindly check my ticket I have sent two weeks ago?