Why does this forum feel so unmoderated?

Maybe the best (and almost funny) example in Exports seems to be a protected word in COPY, where the bot was thinking “word” referred to a question about an Office application on the Docker forums:

Follow these simple steps to do it: Step 1: Open the Microsoft Word document that you want to unprotect and then click on “File” and select “Protect Document” under the section marked “Info”. Step 2: In the drop-down menu, select “Encrypt with Password” and then remove the password from the password field. Click “OK”.

(Possibly copied from here, but the very same guide can be found on other blogs as well. So this may very well be plagiarism of plagiarized content.)

That offer still stands. But even without moderators being assigned: I see quite a few posts being hidden while awaiting moderation, after a few people flagged those posts, like:

It seems a single flag does not suffice, but one or two additional flags probably trigger hiding the post. Not as good as actual removal, but still: flag, please!