Today I wanted to change my dockerhub username. Since the UI wouldn’t let me do it, I decided to deactivate my old account and activate a new one. I am using the same email on my new account as I was using on the old one. The new account cannot be verified because the confirmation email is never sent to my inbox. Can anybody help please? I suspect there’s some sort of error in the system
@brandon698sherrick thank you. I have not contacted support because it requires my email to be verified, but I am still not getting anything. Funny thing: i still get other kinds of emails from docker. It’s been 10 days and the cooloff period doesn’t seem to be the issue: I think the previous account was not fully deleted and reusing the email was a big mistake. Had i know beforehand, i would have changed my email on my old account. Thanks for trying to help me anyway.
I’m having the same issue atm.
Created an account, got the mail, clicked it but it tells me it was unsuccessful. After hitting the button to get another one, it was the same.
I am also unable to contact the support, because everytime I go to the contact forms it redirects me to “please verify your mail”.
does anyone got a workaround for this, any suggestions, help?
Ty in advance!
If the redirection happens right after opening the page with the contact form, you could open it in an incognito window or in another bowser. If it happens when you try to send the form, that seems like a Docker Hub bug which could also be reported on GitHub
The redirection happens in time bevore support-site loads. I’ve tried it in incognito and other browsers as well. The sent link is always unsuccsessful
Opened up a ticket in Git. Not able to work at the moment because of this.
Sorry, I’m not sure I understand. What link do you mean? If you mean the email activation, I suggested using an incognito window for opening the contact form.
Thank you. I share the link here so anyone with a similar issue can find it more easily:
Hi again. My original problem was that I wasn’t even getting the email - nothing to do with clicking the link or any redirections. Thank you for trying to help but this thread has been hijacked, lol. I’m still getting the banner at the top that says “Please check your inbox to verify the email associated with this account. You won’t be able to create a repository or configure your Docker Hub without verifying your email address.” when I log in to, but the new version of the site has no button to resend the email anymore. And funny enough, I can now login through the console, so I guess this is no longer an issue?
@jyanesnotariado If I go to Settings and there to Two-Factor-Authentification, the ‘Validate your Mail’ button appears again for me. You can try it like this maybe?
@rimelek When I get the mail for verification, there is a button with a link to verify that email-account. this is my troublemaker. when i click that button from the mail, it brings up my browser and opens the verification link. on this page it says ‘verfication unsuccessful’. I’ve tried to copy the verification link, put it in another browser: edge, firefox incognito, etc. but it always fails. I’ve tried also in my mobile phone and it fails. I’m quite unsure, because I can’t believe it’s the auth server, since this started a couple of days ago now.
@sabancode You’re right! I’m getting emails now. I’m now in the same boat as you. I’ve tried opening the link in incognito mode too, but I get “verification unsuccessful”.
@jyanesnotariado This is frustratingly sad
supposing the generated token which was made by the auth server is by time of creation already expired…
I tried to register a new account with a gmail address. It worked and the verification was successful
Could be, but I would expect resending also regenerating anything that could expire.
What email provider are you both using @jyanesnotariado @sabancode ?
Could your email address contain any character that is valid but unusual so a bug could be in Docker Hub that cannot handle that character (please, don’t share the email address here)
In my case, I’ve tried by directly syncing with my github and google account (offered buttons) instead of typing that mail into the box. but both did not work (maybe another bug there?).
After trying it manually with another mail, this time it worked. So I don’t get it what went wrong with the other mail account.
Thank you!